Curtis Martin and Sarah Swafford Showcase 2022 Vocations Jamboree at University of Mary

Jamboree events March 15-17 are free and open to the public.
BISMARCK, ND — The University of Mary, in partnership with the Diocese of Bismarck, Annunciation Monastery and Assumption Abbey, is hosting the 7th annual Vocations Jamboree and Expo March 15-17.
The event, which is free and open to the public, begins with the opening address by Sarah Swafford Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the McDowell Activity Center (MAC). Mass kicks off events on Wednesday, March 16, followed by the expo from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Lumen Vitae University Center (LVUC). After 4:30 p.m. vespers, the expo continues from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The evening concludes at 7 p.m. with the awarding of the Lumen Vitae Medal, presented to Curtis and Michaelann Martin, followed by a keynote from Curtis Martin in the MAC.
The prestigious Lumen Vitae Medal (Latin for “The Light of Life”) is given to those who are champions of Catholic education and who bring others closer to Christ and His Church.
Both Martin and Swafford are accomplished speakers, and authors.
Martin founded Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) magazine named Martin one of America’s “Catholic stars” in a 2013 article. FOCUS, headquartered in Golden, CO, is growing each day as a lay group working hand-in-hand with Catholic parishes and Newman Centers across the country with over 800 missionaries serving on more than 205 campuses. The University of Mary currently has alumni working as FOCUS missionaries on other campuses.
Pope Benedict XVI in 2011 appointed Martin to be consulter to the Pontifical Council of the New Evangelization – one of three persons chosen by the Holy Father. Martin holds a master’s degree in theology, is the author of the best-selling book Made for More, as well as, Making Missionary Disciples, and co-hosts the groundbreaking show on EWTN, Crossing the Goal. He and Michaelann also co-authored Faith Matters: A Bible Study on Marriage and Family.
Swafford, an Atchison, KS, native, is a frequent guest on EWTN programs while also hosting their “At the Heart of Relationships” program. Her recent book Emotional Virtue: A Guide to Drama-Free Relationships is a huge hit amongst young people and garners great reviews on both iBooks and Amazon.
The expo features over 35 vocations directors and teams representing a broad range of religious orders and service communities from across the country gathering on campus to pray together and witness to the joy and beauty of life consecrated to God’s call. Exhibits and display booths will showcase the distinctive charism, history, and mission of each group.
University of Mary students and young people from the region will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from the visiting communities to learn more about the rich variety of religious life in the Church today.
Catholic and Christian service and missionary organizations will also participate in the Jamboree.
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